Grossman Burn Foundation
March 4th, 2010
Subject: Letter of reference for Mrs. Ruth Swissa
To whom it may concern,
On behalf of the Grossman Burn Foundation, the philanthropic arm of The Grossman Burn Centers, it is with great pleasure to present this letter of reference for Mrs. Ruth Swissa. This organization is blessed to have had the opportunity to work with Ruth Swissa and know her personally. She is a true humanitarian
and a deeply compassionate individual. Furthermore, she is an exceptional artist and consummate professional. Ruth has donated her skills and services to patients who have been victims of a life changing tragedy and we are deeply appreciative for her many contributions and efforts to better the lives of burn survivors globally.
The Grossman Burn Foundation is a non-profit 501(c) (3) organization of humanitarians, united for a better world. We are establishing new training programs for burn care in impoverished and remote areas of the world where families cannot afford to get help or do not have access to quality burn care. We consider Ruth a part of our recovery team and remain forever grateful for her support.
Rebecca Grossman
Grossman Burn Foundation
Ruth Swissa